I want to be a leader who can show and Project that I am person whit vision. A leader who can make all that propose and that the people think that all is possible being persevere, honest, and doing the things for the right way. I want to be a leader with a social responsibility.

I am a person hard working, smart, intelligent and believe on me. I know that I can achieve my dreams and goals. I made a life´s plan until 32 years old since 18 years old. My strategic is that each two years I plan that I will make the following two years. Sometimes I can take another road (to branch off) but the good thing is that always have the sight I the same point ( My vision).

I going to work to get there being consistent and making the things being honest, sincere, and put my major effort. Other thing important is that I think that I have a compromise with all the people that believe me and think that I can achieve my dreams. I will be very disappointed if I would not achieve my goals.

One of my strategies is that I try to know people that in some time could support or help me to something that I need. Try to conserve the relations with my friends and the people that I am going to meeting.

I think that I can contribute with the world because I will make projects to generate employee trying that the workers have a good conditions for working better that they can, taking special attention on their families. Because I think that if they are relax o sure that their family is fine, they can work better. Also I will try to create values in the people like the honesty, loyalty, friendly, sincerity and I think that if you educate to the persons with good values you can make a better world.

I would like the people remember me like a person who all the time fight for him dreams, that thought that all is possible meanwhile we have a life. For the final that they think that always I made the things My Way, like the song of Frank Sinatra-My way.

… I’ve love, I’ve laughed and cried.
I’ve had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that;
And may I say – not in a shy way,
Oh no, oh no not me,
I did it my way…

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility
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